
The Role of the Undergraduate Department Mentor

Undergraduate students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Department Mentor, Tyson Stolte, if they have questions about English courses and requirements. All first-year and transfer students receive academic advising at the Center for Academic Advising and Student Success (CAASS).  Sophomore and junior English majors meet with the Department Mentor prior to registering for classes each term.  Meeting with the Department Mentor prior to registration is encouraged for seniors, though not required. For more information about advising, students should visit


The Role of the Graduate Adviser

As soon as a prospective graduate student is accepted into a program of study, the Director of Graduate Studies assigns that student an adviser based on the student’s intended area of interest and the availability of faculty. Students are asked to contact their adviser when they are admitted. At the initial meeting, advisers should make sure that students have the official description of their program’s requirements. Each semester advisers should meet with students to plan their courses of study for the following semester.

Meeting Graduate Program Requirements and Asking for Exceptions

Advisers should make sure that students understand the requirements that must be fulfilled for their program and emphasis (if applicable). If students want to do something different from the normal requirements, they should seek advice from their adviser and gain support for the change. To depart from normal requirements, students petition the Graduate Studies Committee through the Director of Graduate Studies. Advisers do not have the authority to approve special courses of study or to waive or substitute any requirements.

Application for Admission to Candidacy (Program of Study)

As soon as students have decided what their courses will be, Master’s students needs to file a Program of Study for Master’s Students form and Doctoral students need to file a Program of Study and Committee for Doctoral Students form with the Graduate School, listing courses taken and courses to be taken. The adviser approves and signs the form, as does the department head. If necessary, this plan can be revised subsequently. The form must be in place and accurate for final oral examinations to take place. The Graduate School also uses it to certify degrees when students graduate. The student must make sure the form is filed with both the Graduate School and the English Department.

Changing Advisers

As students proceed through their course of study and determine what their graduate projects will be (dissertation topics, thesis or non-thesis options, etc.), they may continue to work with the initial adviser selected by the Director of Graduate Studies or they may elect to work with a new adviser. Students are not obligated to continue working with the adviser initially assigned, and faculty are not obligated to direct dissertations, theses, portfolios, or master essays, nor chair examination committees for the students they advise. Customarily, the thesis director or examination committee chair assumes the role of the adviser. If or when students elect to change advisers, they need to secure the permission of the new adviser, and inform the old adviser and the Director of Graduate Studies in writing. It is important that the Director of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Secretary know who each student’s adviser is.

Exam Committee

The student and adviser (or dissertation, thesis, or non-thesis director) should decide together upon the student’s final oral examination committee, which must include two members of the department and one faculty member from outside the department, who generally serves as the representative of the Graduate School (or the Dean’s representative).The final oral examination is a requirement of the Graduate School and the Department; it needs to be officially scheduled and conducted within deadlines published in the Graduate School calendar (which differ for thesis and non-thesis final oral examinations).

Graduation Deadlines and Fees

Each semester the Graduate School sets deadlines that must be observed for graduation. A student who wants to graduate in a given semester must file a Degree Application through their MyNMSU account and pay a non-refundable graduation fee. Master's students need to schedule final oral examinations according to the thesis or non-thesis deadlines established by the Graduate School and to complete the Masters Final Examination form, and doctoral students must schedule dissertation defenses according to the deadlines established by Graduate School and complete the Doctorate of Philosophy Examination form. These forms must be signed by the student, the adviser, and the department head, and delivered to the Graduate School at least 10 working days before the final oral examination is held.

Students who are completing dissertations, theses, or non-thesis options to be discussed and reviewed (or defended) at the final oral examination, should deliver a copy of the thesis or essay to each member of the examination committee two weeks before the final oral examination. Two hours are set aside for the final oral examination, though the examination itself may not run the full two hours. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the examination, but advisers should alert students to the potential difficulty of scheduling exams at short notice. The adviser should try to keep the student informed of these deadlines, but it is the responsibility of the student to stay on top of all such deadlines.