Rose Conley


  • M.A., 2005
  • B.A. in English, New Mexico State University, 2003

Courses Taught and Teaching Interests:

The courses Rose Conley normally teaches include Women Writers, Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Women across Media, Principles of Literature, Principles of Film, and Business and Professional Communication. Her teaching and scholarly interests are in modern literature, cultural and film studies, and feminist theory.

Teaching Philosophy:

My course designs typically emphasize diversity in cultural, historical, ethnic, racial, and international contexts, as well as diversity among writers’ backgrounds, subject matters, and writing styles. Pedagogically, I work to achieve a balance of 40 percent lecture and 60 percent student-led discussions. To that end, students are assigned in class freewrites and small group work exercises, both of which help facilitate class discussion, strengthen students’ participation grades, and assist students in successfully completing essay assignments. Providing as much detailed feedback as possible on students’ papers has been a consistently effective means of strengthening students’ writing and critical thinking skills. Course content and pedagogical methods are continuously adjusted based on students’ responses in their evaluations.

Contact: or 575-646-5843