B.A. Literature, Language, & Culture

Bachelor of Arts in English: Emphasis in Literature, Language, & Culture

In addition to meeting the English basic skills requirement, students majoring in Literature, Language, & Culture must complete 42 credits in English beyond ENGL 1110G: Composition I and satisfy the following eight requirements.

1.) Twelve credits from the following 3-credit hour courses, of which three classes must be taken from courses numbered 2610-2640:

ENGL 2280G: History of Argument (formerly ENGL 263)
ENGL 2310G: Introduction to Creative Writing (formerly ENGL 220G)
ENGL 2521: The Bible as Literature* (formerly ENGL 243)
ENGL 2610: American Literature I (formerly ENGL 251)
ENGL 2620: American Literature II (formerly ENGL 252)
ENGL 2630: British Literature I* (formerly ENGL 271)
ENGL 2640: British Literature II (formerly ENGL 272)

*Students may make one or two of the following substitutions: HNRS 2160G. New Testament as Literature for ENGL 2521. The Bible as Literature; HNRS 2171G. The Worlds of Arthur, HNRS 2173G. Middle Ages, or HNRS 2117G. The World of the Renaissance for ENGL 2630. British Literature I.

2.) Three credits of ENGL 310: Critical Writing

3.) Three credits from one of the following 3-credit hours courses:

ENGL 301: Theory and Criticism: Rhetoric and Culture
ENGL 302: Theory and Criticism: Literature and Culture
ENGL 303: Theory and Criticism: Film, Media, and Culture

4.) Six additional credits from the following 3-credit hour Literature courses numbered 300-399*:

ENGL 321V: Modern European Drama
ENGL 322: Dramatic Character
ENGL 323: American Drama
ENGL 327V: Shakespeare around the Globe
ENGL 328V: Literature of Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGL 329: Studies in Drama
ENGL 335V: Studies in the Novel
ENGL 339V: Chicano Literature
ENGL 363: Literature for Children and Young Adults
ENGL 380V: Women Writers
ENGL 392V: Mythology
ENGL 394V: Southwestern Literature
ENGL 399: Special Topics (with adviser approval)
* Students may count one or two of the following Honors courses toward this requirement: 348V, 365V, 366V, and 379V. However, students may not take both ENGL 392V and HON 348V.

5.) Three credits from either ENGL 405: Chaucer, or ENGL 407: Milton

6.) Three credits from either ENGL 408: Shakespeare I, or ENGL 409: Shakespeare II

7.) Three credits from one of the following 3-credit hour courses:

ENGL 442: Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
ENGL 458: Latino/a Literature and Culture
ENGL 469: Advanced Study in American Literature

See the Director of Undergraduate Studies to approve additional offerings for this requirement, when their content is primarily American Literature, under the following numbers: ENGL 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 445, 481, 489, 500.

8.) Nine additional credits from 3-credit hour English courses numbered 400-499, including at least two from the following list:

ENGL 400: Independent Study (with adviser approval and substitution)
ENGL 405: Chaucer
ENGL 407: Milton
ENGL 408: Shakespeare I
ENGL 409: Shakespeare II
ENGL 417: Advanced Study in Critical Theory
ENGL 421: Advanced Study in a Literary Period or Movement
ENGL 422: Advanced Study in a Literary Form or Genre
ENGL 423: Advanced Study in a Major Author
ENGL 424: Advanced Study in a Major Text
ENGL 425: Advanced Study in Comparative Literature
ENGL 427: Advanced Study in Film and Digital Media
ENGL 429: British Romanticism
ENGL 433: Victorian Literature
ENGL 438: Literature of the American Renaissance
ENGL 442: Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
ENGL 445: Postmodern Fiction
ENGL 453: World Literatures
ENGL 458: Latino/a Literature and Culture
ENGL 481: Women’s Literature
ENGL 489: Cultural Studies; Literature and Theory
ENGL 493: Middle English Textual Cultures