First Year Placement

English Basic Skill Requirement Options

In accordance with NMSU policy, students in all majors in the College of Arts and Sciences must meet the Basic Academic Skills requirements in English. Students must complete, with a C – grade or better, ENGL 1110G, ENGL 1110H, or ENGL 1110M prior to enrolling in upper division courses numbered 300 or higher. Students whose ACT or other test scores require them to take developmental English courses must complete those courses prior to enrolling in ENGL 1110. Students may satisfy basic skills requirements in English by scoring 30 or higher on ACT English exams; however, these students must still take ENGL 1110. If you are a multilingual student, please read the section below.

First Year Writing Placement

Students must earn credit for ENGL 1110, Composition I,  by one of these options: ENGL 1110G (gen ed) or ENGL 1110H (honors) or ENGL 1110M (multilingual writers). Students may satisfy English basic skills by passing ENGL 1110G, ENGL 1110H, or ENGL 1110M with a grade of C- or higher. Students are placed in their initial English class based on their English ACT or SAT score.

For domestic students: 

  • An English ACT score of 25 or an SAT score of 580 or higher qualifies students to take ENGL 1110H, Composition I Honors.
  • An English ACT score of 16 or an SAT score of 430 or higher qualifies students for English 1110G, Composition I.
  • An English ACT score lower than 16 or an SAT score lower than 430 requires students to complete CCDE 110N, General Composition, prior to enrolling into ENGL 1110G, Composition I.

Students who wish to contest their placement can inquire about the possibility with their academic advisor, who may consult with the Writing Program Administrator, Dr. Kellie Sharp-Hoskins (

For international students who graduated from a U.S. high school:  

  • An English ACT score of 16 or an SAT score of 430 or higher qualifies students for English 1110M, Composition I Multilingual. 
  • An English ACT score lower than 16 or an SAT score lower than 430 requires international students to complete ENGL 1105M, Intermediate ESL Composition and Grammar Review prior to enrolling into ENGL 1110M, Composition I Multilingual.

For international students with TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo scores: 

  • The English Language Placement Test (ELPT) is required to determine students’ placement in ENGL 1105M or ENGL 1110M courses. To schedule the ELPT, contact Dr. Tamara Anatska at

Advanced Placement Credit

Students may receive advanced placement credit for ENGL 1110G, ENGL 1110H, or ENGL 1110M by scoring 4 or 5 on the English Advanced Placement Exam.

CLEP Credit

Students may earn credit for ENGL 1110G by taking the College Level Examination Program subject exam in freshman college composition with a score of 57 (top quartile) or higher. Official scores must be sent to NMSU if the test was taken elsewhere.

Transfer Students

Like all students at NMSU, transfer students must meet basic skills requirements in English by their second semester and before taking courses 300-level or above. Transfer students may enroll in upper division courses the first semester at NMSU without having met these requirements, but if these requirements are not met during the second semester, subsequent enrollment in upper division courses (300+) will be denied. Students may receive credit for ENGL 1110 by transferring 3 or more credits of college-level English composition with a grade of C- or above from accredited institutions. Students who earned credit for a college-level English composition course with a grade of C- or higher from a non-accredited institution, can write an alternative placement essay. Students who do not have available will work with their academic advisors to identify the appropriate course with which to begin. Advisors may consult with the Writing Program Administrator, Dr. Kellie Sharp-Hoskins (