Prospective Internship Partners

Getting Started

The English department trains undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of technical and professional communication, digital studies, rhetoric, composition, literature, and creative writing. If you or your organization is interested in hosting an English Department intern, please send a  Call for Applications including the following information to Internship Coordinator Justine Wells (

  1. Position title and duties
  2. Time frame
  3. Brief statement of your organization’s mission
  4. Desireable capacities in applicants (including undergraduate, graduate, or both)
  5. Key learning and professionalization outcomes anticipated for interns
  6. A description of how students can apply

 Dr. Wells will send your Call for Applications to all English undergraduate and graduate students. Students will apply directly to you, and you, as the site supervisor, may decide who to interview and whether to work with a particular intern.

Internships are generally completed over the course of one semester or during the summer.  This timeline, however, is flexible and may be adjusted as needed.

Feel free to be in touch with Dr. Wells at for more details.

 Responsibilities of Supervisor/Mentor

The responsibilities of the supervisor/mentor include: 

  • Meeting with the prospective intern to clarify your organization’s expectations and the learning and professionalization planned for the intern, and to identify specific intern responsibilities and skills necessary for the intern’s tasks.
  • Consulting with interns as they develop a contract that outlines expectations, tasks and related skills, a timeline, and learning and professionalization outcomes for the semester.
  • Providing ongoing supervision, communication, feedback, and mentorship during the internship.
  • Completing a brief midterm evaluation form regarding the intern’s work and contributions to be submitted to the Internship Coordinator and discussed with the intern in person or via email.
  • Confirming satisfactory completion of the intern’s hours at the conclusion of the semester.


Internships are often unpaid positions for which interns may receive academic credit and the benefits of professionalization and mentorship in their desired career paths. Opportunities for paid internships, however, are always welcome.

Online Course Component

Students enrolled in ENGL 4/597 also complete a 3-credit hour online course aimed at enhancing students’ learning and professionalization through discussion posts, readings, and a final report (either oral or written). Supervisor/mentors are welcomed and encouraged to read their interns’ final reports or to attend the oral presentation at the end of the semester.